Although I've chosen art as my career path, I'm a mathematician by training, and so it is second nature for me to examine things with an eye toward logic and proof. Truth exists, and it stands against questioning. Truth is worth speaking out for and worth defending. My grandfather was a World War II veteran. He was one of the elite special forces group known as Merill's Merauders. He and his fellow soldiers fought to rid the world of Nazi ideals and hatred. I'm glad he did not live to see white supremacists storm our nation's capitol. Truth exists. It is our duty to question what we hear, to listen to multiple points of view and avoid the echo chambers of social media that only serve to isolate us. We must listen to one another with respect. We must question what we are told, listen critically and seek out sources that have evidence to back up their claims, We must honor the sacrifices of those who came before us by seeking Truth. "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:32
September 2023