We've all been in a place where we are lost in our work. Whether you are painting, sculpting, playing music, researching, sharing a story, deep in prayer or meditation, or working to solve a complex problem, you've been so engaged with your work that you lose track of time, you forget to eat or sleep or hold onto anxieties. All the cares of the world leave you. You find your truest self in these moments, and at the same time lose yourself. You know God. This is called Creative Flow. Now that we have brain imaging, and we can see what happens during this state of Creative Flow, We can observe a decreased activity in the prefrontal cortex and executive network. We lose our sense of time, space, and self, which makes it possible to feel the experience of the moment we are in with an intensity that is nothing short of addictive. That is the Magic of Making. Find out more at emergentcognition.com
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September 2023